The story of West Coast Kids and E-children...

West Coast Kids was born in 1974 in Winnipeg, Canada. I was a young mom looking for baby furniture for my first born, and I could not find what I was looking for: a stylish, quality nursery set from a family-owned boutique store. There were no specialty baby stores at all at that time! My parents, who were already in the furniture industry, encouraged me to pursue it further. Not after long, I opened a small store in the heart of the exchange district in Winnipeg. We called it Friendly Bears. From there, the company grew. First, in the 1990s in as E-Children in Alberta, then as West Coast Kids in British Columbia in 2007. Finally, in 2015 we reached Ontario, opening our first of two stores in the GTA.

From the very beginning, the store was founded on offering parents a friendly boutique environment with the best and largest selection, at the very best prices. Our many years of experience enables us to identify first-hand which products best demonstrate safety, quality, function, value, and style. Now under the leadership of our daughter Robyn, West Coast Kids continues to provide you with everything you need for your family, plus the trendiest, most exciting new concepts for babies and kids. Today, we continue to be committed to the safety and comfort of your children, and we continue to guarantee the lowest price every day.

You will love our friendliness, and will often find a family member in any one of our stores. West Coast Kids is dedicated to making shopping a positive and fun experience for you and your family of all ages. We hope to see you soon in one of our stores!

Marsha Dashefsky,

Founder, West Coast Kids

We’re 50 Years Old!

West Coast Kids was established in 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For 50 years, we have been offering Canadian parents and  caregivers the best in baby at the lowest price, guaranteed! Our 50 year legacy is a testament to our unwavering dedication to making your shopping experience enjoyable and positive for you and your family.

Since its inception, our store has been dedicated to providing parents and caregivers with a welcoming boutique atmosphere that boasts an extensive and unparalleled selection of products, all at the most competitive prices. With half a century of  expertise, we can identify products with the best in safety,  quality, functionality, value and style. We continue to be  committed to the safety and comfort of your children, and we  continue to guarantee the lowest price every day.

We’re 50 Years Old!

West Coast Kids was established in 1974 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For 50 years, we have been offering Canadian parents and  caregivers the best in baby at the lowest price, guaranteed! Our 50 year legacy is a testament to our unwavering dedication to making your shopping experience enjoyable and positive for you and your family.

Since its inception, our store has been dedicated to providing parents and caregivers with a welcoming boutique atmosphere that boasts an extensive and unparalleled selection of products, all at the most competitive prices. With half a century of  expertise, we can identify products with the best in safety,  quality, functionality, value and style. We continue to be  committed to the safety and comfort of your children, and we  continue to guarantee the lowest price every day.

Our History

Back in 1974 in Winnipeg, our founder Marsha was a young mom looking for baby furniture for her first born. She could not find what she was looking for: stylish, quality nursery furniture from a family-owned boutique baby store. There were no specialty baby stores at all at that time! Marsha’s parents, who were already in the furniture industry, encouraged her to pursue it further. Not after long, she opened a small store in the heart of the Exchange District in Winnipeg. They called it Friendly Bears. From there, the company grew. First, in the 1990s as  E-Children in Alberta, then as West Coast Kids in British Columbia in 2007. Finally, in 2015 the company reached Ontario, opening our first ever store in the GTA.

Now, under the leadership of the founder’s daughter Robyn, West Coast Kids continues to provide you with everything you need for your family, plus the trendiest, most exciting new concepts for babies and kids.

Our History

Back in 1974 in Winnipeg, our founder Marsha was a young mom looking for baby furniture for her first born. She could not find what she was looking for: stylish, quality nursery furniture from a family-owned boutique baby store. There were no specialty baby stores at all at that time! Marsha’s parents, who were already in the furniture industry, encouraged her to pursue it further. Not after long, she opened a small store in the heart of the Exchange District in Winnipeg. They called it Friendly Bears. From there, the company grew. First, in the 1990s as  E-Children in Alberta, then as West Coast Kids in British Columbia in 2007. Finally, in 2015 the company reached Ontario, opening our first ever store in the GTA.

Now, under the leadership of the founder’s daughter Robyn, West Coast Kids continues to provide you with everything you need for your family, plus the trendiest, most exciting new concepts for babies and kids.

Meet the Family

West Coast Kids is a family affair! You’ll often find a family member in one of our stores, including our founders and CEO. Their passion and dedication has driven the success of West Coast Kids for the past 50 years.

Meet the Family

West Coast Kids is a family affair! You’ll often find a family member in one of our stores, including our founders and CEO. Their passion and dedication has driven the success of West Coast Kids for the past 50 years.